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1. The highest bid to the Purchaser, Any dispute between two or more bidders shall be settled at the Auctioneer’s discretion.

2. Each lot is subject to any reserve price that may be imposed by the Seller, and the seller ’s right to bid personally or by
    any person, who may be the Auctioneer.
3. The Auctioneer may divide, combine or withdraw any lots at his discretion.

4. At the fall of the hammer any lot(s) remain at the risk of the Purchaser and at the Purchaser’s expense. The Seller will not
    be liable for any damage whatsoever to any of the Purchaser’s goods.

5. If a Purchaser should default in the payment of any lot(s), such lot(s) may be submitted for future sale at the risk of the
    defaulter without reserve and any loss will be the loss of the defaulter. NO GOODS MAY BE RETURNED. The defaulter          will remain liable for the purchase price.

6. The Seller will accept no responsibility for errors in sizes and conditions. All goods must be inspected by the Purchaser
    prior to sale.

7. All goods are sold voetstoots. The Seller shall not be responsible for any defects latent or patent or any damage
    resulting there from, and the Purchaser hereby agree to accept the goods as they stand with all faults.

8. There are no understandings or agreements between the Purchaser and the Sellers, nor have have any warrants been
    given or representation made by or on behalf of the Seller except as contained in this agreement.

9. A 12% buyer ’s commission will be charged on purchase price.

10. VAT will be charged on buyers commission.

11. No goods will be released until credit cards or cheques have been cleared.

12. The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrates Court in terms of section 45 of Act 32 of 1944 as amended
      for all purposes in terms of this agreement. The Seller shall be entitled at his sole discretion to institute action in any            other court having competent jurisdiction.

13. The Seller and the Purchasers hereby choose the given address as domicillium citandi et executandi for the ser vice of
      any process or in respect of any legal proceedings arising out of this contract. (physical address where all notices and
      processes of court will be delivered and served.)

14. Certicates of Authenticity on Carpets will be issued and posted on request, by or on behalf of the auctioneer at any time
      whether oral or in writing, shall be taken to constitute a warranty or representation. All lots are open for inspection prior
      to the sale. On the fall of the hammer, the purchaser shall be taken to have carried out all reasonable investigation and
      enquiries in relation to the lot purchased.

15. The Purchaser shall be liable for any cost on a scale as between attorney and client in any legal proceedings that may            emanate from this contract.

16. Any representation or statement by the auctioneer or any representative of the auctioneer, whether oral or in writing, in        any catalogue, brochure, advertisement regarding authorship, attribution, authenticity, origin, date, age, provenance,          conditiono or estimated selling price is an opinion only and the auctioneer or any representative of the auctioneer shall        not be held responsible for the accuracy of any comments made in respect thereof. All statements, whether oral or in            writing are made by auctioneer as statement of opinion and not statement of fact. Interested buyers are advised to rely        on their own research and judgement as to such matters.

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